If you checkout Dropbox’s Linux download page, you will see that Debian packages are provided. Up to a few days ago, they only provided packages for Ubuntu and Fedora.
I’m glad to see that packaging nautilus-dropbox for Debian and being in touch with them due to this led to this result.
Another positive outcome is that the version 0.7.0 now ensures the origin of the downloaded binaries with GPG.
Now if only they’d consider making the client-side software FOSS.
On the other hand, nautilus-dropbox is since a couple of months inside the debian repos http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=dropbox&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all So it shouldn’t be necessary to get deb from dropbox.com
Christoph, I know this since I packaged it 🙂 It’s still great because it makes Debian visible and shows that some commercial companies care about Debian users.
Lol 🙂 Yep, shouldn’t sound like a critic 😉 I was very happy to see Dropbox decently packaged inside the repos!
I’ve been following your dropbox work since the beginning… Congrats!!!
It’s nice that you package un-free solutions for social contract users. This can be nice for the hundred of ubuntards following you, that doesn’t want to be free or learn about how software is done.
As nice as ask for money for a book that should be a update to current manuals. —