This is my monthly summary of my free software related activities. If you’re among the people who made a donation to support my work (102.70 €, thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it’s just an interesting status update on my various projects.
Debian France
Work on Galette. I spent quite some time on Debian France’s galette installation (the web application handling its member database), first converting its Postgres database to UTF-8, then upgrading to 0.7.4 while working-around many known problems.
I also created Debian packages of three Galette plugins that we have been using (galette-plugin-paypal, galette-plugin-admintools, galette-plugin-fullcard).
But every time I use galette, I tend to find something to report. This month I filed 5 tickets:
- #588: galette should offer a way to send a test mail while setting up the mail notifications
- #589: CSV export page contains an invalid download link
- #590: confirmation page of a successful PayPal payment contains empty fields
- #591: problem with the selection of recipients of a mailing
- #595: galette should put a proper recipient in the “To:” field of automatically generated mails.
I tested quite some fixes prepared by the upstream author (3 of the above bugs are already fixed) and this lead to the bugfix release.
Preliminary work on new bylaws. I have setup a git repository to make it easier to collaborate on new versions of our bylaws and internal rules. The goal is to make Debian France a trusted organization of Debian and to update everything to be compliant with the “association 1901” law (we currently have a special statute reserved to associations from Alsace/Moselle).
Kali Linux
Improve accessibility support in Debian Wheezy. Offensive Security wanted Kali Linux to be fully accessible to disabled people. Since Wheezy was suffering from some serious regressions in that area, we hired Emilio Pozuelo Monfort to fix #680636 and #689559 in gdm3. On my side, I updated debian-installer’s finish-install to correctly pre-configure the system when you make an install with speech synthesis (patch submitted in #705599).
Thanks to accommodating release managers, this work has already been integrated in Wheezy and won’t have to wait the first point release.
Fix bugs in Debian’s live desktop installer. We also wanted to enable the desktop installer in the Kali live DVD. While our first tries a few months ago failed, this time it worked almost out of the box (thanks to Ben Armstrong who fixed it). I still identified a few issues that I fixed in debian-installer-launcher’s git repository.
Packaging and misc Debian work
- I reviewed the work of Charles Plessy who drafted an important update of the Debian Policy to document dpkg triggers (see #582109)
- I reviewed the libwebsockets package prepared by Peter Pentchev (ITP 697671)
- I discovered Tanglu and joined their mailing list because I want to watch its evolution (and maybe use it as a test-bed for some future infrastructure developments).
- I reviewed and committed a patch of Robert Spencer on debian-cd (see #703431).
- I packaged version 3.3 of cpputest (in experimental). I tested a new upstream snapshot converted to autotools.
I also spent a significant number of hours to answer questions of students who want to participate in Google’s summer of code and who are interested by the rewrite of the Package Tracking System with Python and Django. Some of the discussions happened on
See you next month for a new summary of my activities.
Quite a loadsome. Ever so thankful