Every month we review the work funded by Freexian’s Debian LTS offering. Please find the report for January below.
Debian project funding
- In January we saw a new funded project proposed. The project is meant to bring in a number of changes to the Tryton modules and packages in Debian. Tryton, a full featured, entirely open source business software platform, is supported by its own foundation. You can track the current status of all our funded projects at its dedicated web page.
- Folks continue to add to the Grow Your Ideas project page, that’s great.
- In January € 2550 was put aside to fund Debian projects.
We continue to looking forward to hearing about Debian project proposals from various Debian stakeholders. This month has seen work on a survey that will go out to Debian Developers to gather feedback on what they think should be the priorities for funding in the project. Learn more about the rationale behind this initiative in this article.
Debian LTS contributors
In January, 13 contributors were paid to work on Debian LTS, their reports are available below. If you’re interested in participating in the LTS or ELTS teams, we welcome participation from the Debian community. Simply get in touch with Jeremiah or Raphaël.
- Abhijith Pa worked 5 hours out of 5 available.
- Anton Gladky worked 12 hours out of 12 available.
- Ben Hutchings worked 16 hours out of 24 available and carried over 8 for February.
- Chris Lamb worked 18 hours out of 18 available.
- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort worked 55 hours out of 58.25 available and carried over 3.25 for February
- Jeremiah Foster worked 20 hours out of 20 available on LTS administration and 8.3 hours on funded projects.
- Lee Garrett didn’t spend any hours in January and carries over 39.25 hours to February
- Markus Koschany worked 34 hours out of 40 available and carried over 6 for February.
- Ola Lundqvist reported via email that they didn’t spend any hours in January and carries over 11 from December for a total of 12 hours for February.
- Roberto C. Sanchez worked 9 hours out of 32 available and carried over 23 for February
- Sylvain Beucler worked 22 hours out of 40 available and carried over 14 for February
- Thorsten Alteholz worked 40 hours out of 40 available.
- Utkarsh Gupta worked 58.25 hours out of 58.25 available.
Evolution of the situation
In January we released 34 DLAs.
The security tracker currently lists 39 packages with a known CVE and the dla-needed.txt file has 20 packages still needing an update.
Thanks to our sponsors
Sponsors that joined recently are in bold.
- Platinum sponsors:
- TOSHIBA (for 77 months)
- GitHub (for 68 months)
- Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP) (for 45 months)
- Gold sponsors:
- Roche Diagnostics International AG (for 88 months)
- Linode (for 82 months)
- Babiel GmbH (for 71 months)
- Plat’Home (for 71 months)
- University of Oxford (for 27 months)
- Deveryware (for 14 months)
- VyOS Inc (for 9 months)
- Silver sponsors:
- The Positive Internet Company (for 93 months)
- Domeneshop AS (for 92 months)
- Nantes Métropole (for 86 months)
- Univention GmbH (for 78 months)
- Université Jean Monnet de St Etienne (for 78 months)
- Ribbon Communications, Inc. (for 72 months)
- Exonet B.V. (for 62 months)
- Leibniz Rechenzentrum (for 56 months)
- CINECA (for 45 months)
- Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires Étrangères (for 39 months)
- Cloudways Ltd (for 29 months)
- Dinahosting SL (for 27 months)
- Bauer Xcel Media Deutschland KG (for 21 months)
- Platform.sh (for 21 months)
- Moxa Intelligence Co., Ltd. (for 15 months)
- sipgate GmbH (for 12 months)
- OVH US LLC (for 10 months)
- Tilburg University (for 10 months)
- GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
- Telecats BV
- Bronze sponsors:
- Evolix (for 93 months)
- Seznam.cz, a.s. (for 93 months)
- Intevation GmbH (for 90 months)
- Linuxhotel GmbH (for 90 months)
- Daevel SARL (for 88 months)
- Bitfolk LTD (for 87 months)
- Megaspace Internet Services GmbH (for 87 months)
- Greenbone Networks GmbH (for 86 months)
- NUMLOG (for 86 months)
- WinGo AG (for 86 months)
- Ecole Centrale de Nantes – LHEEA (for 82 months)
- Entr’ouvert (for 77 months)
- Adfinis AG (for 74 months)
- GNI MEDIA (for 69 months)
- Laboratoire LEGI – UMR 5519 / CNRS (for 69 months)
- Tesorion (for 69 months)
- Bearstech (for 60 months)
- LiHAS (for 60 months)
- People Doc (for 57 months)
- Catalyst IT Ltd (for 55 months)
- Supagro (for 50 months)
- Demarcq SAS (for 49 months)
- Université Grenoble Alpes (for 35 months)
- TouchWeb SAS (for 27 months)
- SPiN AG (for 24 months)
- CoreFiling (for 19 months)
- Institut des sciences cognitives Marc Jeannerod (for 14 months)
- Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Grenoble (for 11 months)
- Tem Innovations GmbH (for 6 months)
- WordFinder.pro (for 5 months)
- CNRS DT INSU Résif (for 4 months)