Freexian has set itself new ambitious goals in support of Debian and we would like to expand our team to help us reach those goals. We have drafted a mission statement to clarify our purpose and our values, and we hope to be able to attract talented software developers, entrepreneurs and Debian experts from our community.
Freexian’s mission is to help Debian evolve to be the leading Linux distribution and a model to follow in the free software world.
We want to achieve that by enabling passionate contributors to spend most of their time working on Debian and free software, combining lucrative work in support of enterprise customers, core contributions to Debian’s processes, and personal goals.
Extract from Freexian’s mission statement
If Debian is an important part of your life, if improving Debian is something that you enjoy doing, if you have enough skills and Debian expertise to match some of the roles that we have described on our Join us page, then we would love to hear from you at, so we can figure out a way to work together.