Today while reading my mails on Debian lists I discovered with pleasure this message: Bits from the CD team, 2005-03-16.
It looks like Steve Mc Intyre plans to improve debian-cd… he didn’t give any detail yet, but debian-cd certainly needs some work. I do have some ideas of improvements for debian-cd but I lack time to implement them. However that’s a project I’d like to fullfill or at least to help out. Maybe I could try to get it sponsored by Ubuntu / Mark Shuttleworth … the improved debian-cd that I imagine could be much more useful for derivative distros.
While debian-cd has never been a major problem for Debian (i.e. it never delayed a release!), I have been regularly neglecting it… doing all the required work in a few batchs. But thanks to the work of people like Steve and Santiago Garcia Mantinan, debian-cd hasn’t suffered too much.
We’ll see what will happen this year, but there’s good chance that debian-cd development will take interesting new paths.