The Google Summer of Code rewriting the Package Tracking System is approaching its end and I’m starting to think about deploying it on Its scope has expanded over the years and the rewritten PTS will continue this trend by bringing some new features for teams (like the possibility to subscribe to all packages of a team).
I believe that its current hostname (and name) doesn’t reflect properly the role of the PTS. Add to this the fact that there’s still some work left to be done to reach feature-parity with the current PTS, I’m considering deploying it in parallel to the current PTS under a new name.
“Package Tracking System” is also a bit too long for a name, and sounds more like a description than a name…
But if I get rid of “” and “Package Tracking System”, how should we call the new PTS? 🙂
The PTS is a sort of central place that brings together information from many parts of Debian. It’s currently mainly a consumer/dispatcher of information but I expect to integrate some of the external services that are useful for all Debian derivatives, and it will thus become more and more a producer of first-hand information as well.
To replace, Stefano Zacchiroli suggested me and I must say I like it, it’s short and relatively close to what the PTS actually is (and reminds me of DEP-2 — the new PTS will be an asset to make it a reality). My other ideas were,,,, … do you have better suggestions? what’s your preference?
Finding a better name is harder, but there’s room to build on the hub concept and similar images. I would like a full name that’s not too long and an associated abbreviation/short name for the top-level Python package (currently we use “pts” for that Python package). Can you come up with something original and satisfactory?
My latest thoughts end up with “DistroHub” as full name and “dhub” as Python package name. Still boring…
So, dear lazy web, I heard that we’re good at bikeshedding in Debian, so can you come up with something better? Share your suggestions in the comments!