Mehdi is a Debian developer for a bit more than a year, and he’s already part of the Debian Release Team. His story is quite typical in that he started there by trying to help while observing the team do its work. That’s a recurrent pattern for people who get co-opted in free software teams.
Read on for more info about the release team, and Mehdi’s opinion on many topics. My questions are in bold, the rest is by Mehdi (except for the additional information that I inserted in italics).
Who are you?
I’m 27 years old. I grew up in Ariana in northern Tunisia, but have been living in Paris, France, since 2002.
I’m a PhD Student at the PPS laboratory where I study synchronous concurrent process calculi.
I became interested in Debian when I saw one of my colleagues, Samuel Mimram (first sponsor and advocate) trying to resolve #440469, which is a bug reported against a program I wrote. We have never been able to resolve it but my intent to contribute was born there. Since then, I started to maintain some packages and help where I can.
What’s your biggest achievement within Debian?
I don’t think I had time to accomplish a lot yet 🙂 I’ve been mostly active in the OCaml team where we designed a tool to compute automatically the dependencies between OCaml packages, called dh-ocaml. This was a joint work with Stéphane Glondu, Sylvain Le Gall and Stefano Zacchiroli. I really appreciated the time spent with them while developing dh-ocaml. Some of the bits included in dh-ocaml have been included upstream in their latest release.
I’ve also tried to give a second life to the Buildd Status Pages because they were (kind of) abandoned. I intend to keep them alive and add new features to them.
If you had a wand and could change one thing in Debian, what would that be?
Make OCaml part of a default Debian installation 😀
But, since I’m not a magician yet, I’d stick to more realistic plans:
- A lot of desktop users fear Debian. I think that the Desktop installation offered by Debian today is very user-friendly and we should be able to attract more and more desktop users. Still, there is some work to be done in various places to make it even more attractive. The idea is trying to enhance the usability and integration of various tools together. Each fix could be easy or trivial but the final result would be an improved Desktop experience for our users. Our packaged software run well. So, each person can participate since the most difficult part is to find the broken scenarios. Fixes could be found together with maintainers, upstream or other interested people.
I’ll try to come up with a plan, a list of things that need polishing or fixes and gather a group of people to work on it. I’d definitely be interested in participating in such a project and I hope that I’ll find other people to help. If the plan is clear enough and has well described objectives and criteria, it could be proposed to the Release Team to consider it as a Release Goal for Wheezy.
- NMUs are a great way to make things move forward. But, sometimes, an NMU could break things or have some undesirable effects. For now, NMUers have to manually track the package’s status for some time to be sure that everything is alright. It could be a good idea to be auto-subscribed to the bugs notifications of NMUed packages for some period of time (let’s say for a month) to be aware of any new issues and try to fix them. NMUing a package is not just applying a patch and hitting enter after dput. It’s also about making sure that the changes are correct and that no regressions have been introduced, etc…
- Orphaned packages: It could be considered as too strict and not desired, but what about not keeping orphaned and buggy packages in Testing? What about removing them from the archive if they are buggy and still unmaintained for some period? Our ftp archive is growing. It could make sense to do some (more strict) housekeeping. I believe that this question can be raised during the next QA meeting. We should think about what we want to do with those packages before they rot in the archive.
[Raphael Hertzog: I would like to point out that pts-subscribe provided by devscripts makes it easy to temporarily subscribe to bug notifications after an Non-Maintainer Upload (NMU).]
You’re a Debian developer since August 2009 and you’re already an assistant within the Release Management team. How did that happen and what is this about?
In the OCaml team, we have to start a transition each time we upload a new version of the OCaml compiler (actually, for each package). So, some coordination with the Release Team is needed to make the transition happen.
When we are ready to upload a new version of the compiler, we ask the Release Team for permission and wait for their ack. Sometimes, their reply is fast (e.g. if their is no conflicting transition running), but it’s not always the case. While waiting for an ack, I used to check what was happening on debian-release@l.d.o. It made me more and more interested in the activities of the Release Team.
Then (before getting my Debian account), I had the chance to participate in DebConf9 where I met Luk and Phil. It was a good occasion to see more about the tools used by the Release Team. During April 2010, I had some spare time and was able to implement a little tool called Jamie to inspect the relations between transitions. It helps us to quickly see which transitions can run in parallel, or what should wait. And one day (in May 2010, IIRC), I got offered by Adam to join the team.
As members of the Release Team, we have multiple areas to work on:
- Taking care of transitions during the development cycle, which means making sure that some set of packages are correctly (re-)built or fixed against a specific (to each transition) set of packages, and finding a way to tell Britney that those packages can migrate and it would be great if she also shared the same opinion. [Raphael Hertzog: britney is the name of the software that controls the content of the Testing distribution.]
- Paying attention to what is happening in the archive (uploads, reported RC bugs, etc…). The idea is to try to detect unexpected transitions, blocked packages, make sure that RC bug fixes reach Testing in a reasonable period of time, etc…
- During a freeze, making sure that unblock requests and freeze exceptions are not forgotten and try to make the RC bug count decrease.
There are other tasks that I’ll let you discover by joining the game.
Deciding what goes (or not) in the next stable release is a big responsibility and can be incredibly difficult at times. You have to make judgement calls all the time. What are your own criteria?
That’s a very hard to answer question (at least, for me). It really depends on the “case”. I try to follow the criteria that we publish in each release update. Sometimes, an unblock request doesn’t match those criteria and we have to decide what to accept from the set of proposed changes. Generally, new features and non-fixes (read new upstream versions) changes are not the kind of changes that we would accept during the freeze. Some of them could be accepted if they are not intrusive, easy and well defended. When, I’m not sure I try to ask other members of the Release Team to see if they share my opinion or if I missed something important during the review. The key point is to have a clear idea on what’s the benefit of the proposed update, and compare it to the current situation. For example, accepting a new upstream release (even if it fixes some critical bugs) is taking a risk to break other features and that’s why we (usually) ask for a backported fix.
It’s also worth noticing that (most of the time) we don’t decide what goes in, but (more specifically) what version of a given package goes in and try to give to the contributors an idea on what kind of changes are acceptable during the freeze. There are some exceptions though. Most of them are to fix a critical package or feature.
Do you have plans to improve the release process for Debian Wheezy?
We do have plans to improve every bit in Debian. Wheezy will be the best release ever. We just don’t know the details yet 🙂
During our last meeting in Paris last October, the Release Team agreed to organize a meeting after Squeeze’s release to discuss (among other questions) Wheezy’s cycle. But the details of the meeting are not fixed yet (we still have plenty of time to organize it… and other more important tasks to care about). We would like to be able to announce a clear roadmap for Wheezy and enhance our communication with the rest of the project. We certainly want to avoid what happened for Squeeze. Making things a bit more predictable for developers is one of our goals.
Do you think the Constantly Usable Testing project will help?
The original idea by Joey Hess is great because it allows d-i developers to work with a “stable” version of the archive. It allows them to focus on the new features they want to implement or the parts they want to fix (AIUI). It also allows to have constantly available and working installation images.
Then, there is the idea of having a constantly usable Testing for users. The idea seems nice. People tend to like the idea behind CUT because they miss some software disappearing from Testing and because of the long delays for security fixes to reach Testing.
If the Release Team has decided to remove a package from Testing, I think that there must be a reason for that. It either means that the software is broken, has unfixed security holes or was asked for the removal by its maintainer. I think that we should better try to spend some time to fix those packages, instead of throwing a broken version in a new suite. It could be argued that one could add experimental’s version in CUT (or sid’s) but every user is free to cherry-pick packages from the relevant suite when needed while still following Testing as a default branch.
Besides, it’s quite easy to see what was removed recently by checking the archive of debian-testing-changes or by querying UDD. IMO, It would be more useful to provide a better interface of that archive for our users. We could even imagine a program that alerts the user about installed software that got recently removed from Testing, to keep the user constantly aware any issue that could affect his machine. About the security or important updates, one has to recall the existence of Testing-security and testing-proposed-updates that are used specifically to let fixes reach Testing as soon as possible when it’s not possible to go through Unstable. I’m sure that the security team would appreciate some help to deal with security updates for Testing. We also have ways to speed migrate packages from Unstable to Testing.
I have to admit that I’m not convinced yet by the benefits brought by CUT for our users.
Thank you to Mehdi for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did. Subscribe to my newsletter to get my monthly summary of the Debian/Ubuntu news and to not miss further interviews. You can also follow along on Identi.ca, Twitter and Facebook.
3# Orphaned packages: It could be considered as too strict and not desired, but what about not keeping orphaned and buggy packages in Testing?
Indeed, doing some stricter tidying of the archive could be a very good thing. I won’t care to remove some orphaned packages…
True, but that is not yet the proper solution, since just doing an NMU should be enough, by default, to receive the notification of bugs which affect the NMU-ed version. pts-subscribe is very good for pro-active NMU-ers, but also NMU-ers who just do the NMU should be able to receive, by default and possibly with overrides, bug notifications affecting their NMU.