I put 5 EUR in Flattr each month and I like to spend those among other Debian contributors. That’s why I keep a list of Debian people that I have seen on Flattr (for most of them I noticed through an article on Planet Debian).
Directory of Debian contributors that you can thank
I thought this list could be useful for others so I put it on a web page. Then I realized that limiting this to Flattr was not a good idea, and indeed several developers already propose multiple ways to be thanked.
I went back through my list and looked up each developer’s website to identify a “Thank me” page (it can be “Donate”, “Support me”, “Amazon Wishlist”, etc.). Obviously this means that Debian contributors who are not on Flattr do not appear on the initial list even if they have some “Thank me” page… please help me fix this and send me the missing entries if you know of any.
Click here to view the directory. The initial listing contains 16 developers and 8 of them have an additional (non-Flattr) “Thank me” link.
Please note the warning I put on the page: the inclusion in the directory should not be taken as an endorsement of the amount or quality of the work done for Debian. You are supposed to make up your own judgment when deciding who you want to thank (but the links can help you learn more about what each contributor is doing).
Flattr subscriptions explained
Since this article replaces the traditional Flattr FOSS issue for this month, I wanted to introduce a new Flattr feature I recently discovered.
With Flattr you have to click on some things every month or your monthly fee is given to a random charity. Now you can avoid this pitfall by “subscribing” to some things that you like. A subscription acts like an automatic click during a period of 3/6/12 months.
If you want to subscribe to something, you just have to click a second time on the Flattr button and you will see this:
Once you clicked on the desired duration, the subscription is recorded and the button will appear like this:
Easy, isn’t it?
PS: I installed a WordPress plugin to make it super easy to share my articles on the most common social networks.
Please give flattr a rest, it’s getting really tedious…
Disclosure request: is there some kind of relation between you and Flattr?
Bub, no, I’m just one of the Flattr users.
(AFAIK Flattr is located in Sweden and I’m in France.)
Man, you’re getting annoying. Seriously.