My monthly report covers a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world. I write it for my donators (thanks to them!) but also for the wider Debian community because it can give ideas to newcomers and it’s one of the best ways to find volunteers to work with me on projects that matter to me.
Debian LTS
This month I have been paid to work 8 hours on Debian LTS. In that time, I mostly did CVE triaging (in the last 3 days since I’m of LTS frontdesk duty this week). I pushed 14 commits to the security tracker. There were multiple CVE without any initial investigation so I checked the status of the CVE not only in squeeze but also in wheezy/jessie.
On unpaid time, I wrote and sent the summary of the work session held during DebConf. And I tried to initiate a discussion about offering mysql-5.5 in squeeze-lts. We also have setup so that we can better handle embargoed security updates.
The Debian Administrator’s Handbook
I spent a lot of time on my book, the content update has been done but now we’re reviewing it before preparing the paperback. I also started updating its French translation. You can help review it too.
While working on the book I noticed that snort got removed from jessie and the SE linux reference policy as well. I mailed their maintainers to recommend that they provide them in jessie-backports at least… those packages are relatively important/popular and it’s a pity that they are missing in jessie.
I hope to finish the book update in the next two weeks!
Distro Tracker
I spent a lot of time to revamp the mail part of Distro Tracker. But as it’s not finished yet, I don’t have anything to show yet. That said I pushed an important fix concerning the mail subscriptions (see #798555), basically all subscriptions of packages containing a dash were broken. It just shows that the new tracker is not yet widely used for mail subscription…
I also merged a patch from Andrew Starr-Bochicchio (#797633) to improve the description of the WNPP action items. And I reviewed another patch submitted by Orestis Ioannou to allow browsing of old news (see #756766).
And I filed #798011 against to request that a new X-Debian-PR-Severity header field be added to outgoing BTS mail so that Distro Tracker can filter mails by severity and offer people to subscribe to RC bugs only.
Misc Debian work
I filed many bugs this month and almost all of them are related to my Kali work:
- 3 on debootstrap: #798560 (request for –suite-config option), #798562 (allow sharing bootstrap scripts), #7985604 (request to add kali related bootstrap scripts).
- 3 requests of new upstream versions: for gpsd (#797899), for valgrind (#800013) and for puppet (#798636).
- #797783: sbuild fails without any error message when /var/lib/sbuild is not writable in the chroot
- #798181: gnuradio: Some files take way too long to compile (I had to request a give-back on another build daemon to ensure gnuradio migrated back to testing, and Julien Cristau suggested that it would be better to fix the package so that a single file doesn’t take more than 5 hours to build…)
- #799550: libuhd003v5 lost its v5 suffix…
See you next month for a new summary of my activities.
Right now only “debian installer(non-live) CD/DVDs” support booting on UEFI systems. Debian live (hybrid) DVDs do not boot on UEFI systems.
As now, there are many BIOSes in which now we can not disable Secure bot/UEFI.
****Hence, it would have been dream come true, if somebody could have integrated UEFI support also in Debian live (hybrid) DVDs ****
I do not have necessery skills for doing this as described above^, so i help debian by being packger of many packages. If you have necessary skills , would you please kindly take this up? Thanks in advance
Hi, I already did what I could about this, see
Now it’s up to the live-build maintainer to integrate the work and/or finish his own implementation of the UEFI support.
ohh, i had not seen that already filed bug number .
Now, I went through that bug report.
Many thanks for what you have already done about this, each milestone/step is important for the final goal.