A new month means new free software projects to support with Flattr FOSS. I’m happy to see that it’s gaining traction outside of the Debian world as well. I saw quite a few new entries for free software projects so that I don’t have to fear running out of suggestions in the next few months. 🙂
Let’s go over the 5 projects that I recommend you for December:
- Getting Things GNOME (flattr link) is a GNOME task manager. Its name is a play on David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) but the software doesn’t enforce the GTD methodology. You can implement GTD however since the software is very flexible and lets you organize the tasks with arbitrary tags. It’s a promising software and it can be extended with many plugins.
- The W3C validator (flattr link) is used by thousands of web developers to verify that their HTML pages are well formed. But did you know that it was free software? Yes you can contribute code, or you can help them with a flattr.
- Bitlbee (flattr link) is a gateway between IRC and many other instant messaging protocols. Geeks are known to be IRC addicted (at least I am using it for Debian development) and with bitlbee it’s one reason less to watch something else than the IRC client. 🙂
- Arch Hurd (flattr link) is a port of the ArchLinux distribution to the GNU Hurd kernel.
- Paste.debian.net (flattr link) is a simple website where you can share some textual content for a limited amount of time (you usually paste the content from some other applications, hence its name). Very handy when you want to quickly show something to others on IRC. This service is run by Debian developer Alexander Wirt.
That’s it for this month. A quick question to finish this issue: I count at least 15 Debian contributors using Flattr currently, would you be interested by a small directory listing them?
Please share the list of those contributors.