Note: This is the continuation of part 1, part 2 and part 3. You can get the full document as a single PDF. Feel free to share this document to anyone that might be interested to work towards the goals outlined.
I’m very excited by the perspective that I outlined in this document. It really resonates with my own mission statement as a Debian developer (written a long time ago):
My main role in Debian is to help Debian to evolve so that it’s always able to face the new challenges that are showing up.
My approach is both corrective and proactive, I work to solve current problems and prepare for tomorrow’s. This requires to remain sufficiently involved to identify new trends, see the deficiencies and be a force of proposition.
Most of the changes require to interact with many people, and problems are often more relational than technical. I will ensure to follow the habits of interdependence (Think Win-Win, Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood, Synergize) to find a solution acceptable to all and to inspire others to do the same.
The easiest changes to implement are technical (such as improvements to distro-tracker) and require little interaction. This work is used to recharge me by offering me an immediate reward for my efforts.
Finally, and this is a substantive effort, I want to create in the project working conditions that allow all contributors to give their best. It starts with developing a common vision …
But I can’t achieve this alone, I need help from passionate individuals sharing this vision. Let me know if you want to be one of those persons.