With the agreement of the Debian LTS contributors funded by Freexian, earlier this year I decided to spend some Freexian money on marketing: we sponsored DebConf 19 as a bronze sponsor and we prepared some stickers and flyers to give out during the event.
The stickers only promote the Debian LTS project with the semi-official logo we have been using and a link to the wiki page. You can see them on the back of a laptop in the picture below. As you can see, we have made two variants with different background colors:
The flyers and the video are meant to introduce the Debian LTS project and to convince companies to sponsor the Debian LTS project through the Freexian offer. Those are short documents and they can’t explain the precise relationship between Debian LTS and Freexian. We try to show that Freexian is just an intermediary between contributors and companies, but some persons will still have the feeling that a commercial entity is organizing Debian LTS.
Check out the video on YouTube:
The inside of the flyer looks like this:
Note that due to some delivery issues, we have left-over flyers and stickers. If you want some to give out during a free software event, feel free to reach out to me.